Snugglesafe Microwave Heated Pad x 1
12 Hrs of Long-lasting Warmth, Bite Resistant & Free Cover
The Microwave Heatpad for animals
Size: 1 1/2" x 10" diameter.
•Heated in minutes
•Lasts for up to 10 hours
•Quick and safe
•No wires ~ no scalding water
•Bite and scratch resistant
•Now includes free cosy cover
Snugglesafe is used by anyone who cares for pets, which includes pet care professionals.
SnuggleSafe will give instant, long lasting warmth wherever its needed. Vets, rescue centres, breeders, kennels, zoos & just about anyone who cares for animals, large or small, can benefit from the ease and safety of SnuggleSafe's comforting warmth.
It needs only minutes in your microwave & the SnuggleSafe 10" disc will provide your cherished companion up to 12 hours of warmth and comfort.
The SnuggleSafe heatpad is bite resistant, has no wires for a pet to chew through and is totally non toxic.